The Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering at Graz
University of Technology, Austria invites applications for the position of a
** Full Professor (tenured) in Human Computer Interaction **
We are looking for a candidate with proven scientific expertise who
researches and teaches systems and technologies for Human Computer
Interaction. The following areas are of particular interest: systems and
technologies for accessibility and collaboration; engineering interactive
systems; building devices including multi modal signals (e.g., visual,
audio, bio); computational interaction; games; improving user experience and
usability; systems and technologies for human-centered computing and
human-robot interaction.
The professorship will be part of the Institute of Interactive Systems and
Data Science (ISDS). ISDS combines research on cutting-edge technology for
interactive systems with the collection, storage, visualization, and
analysis of data. With more than 100 researchers and 15 research groups, the
institute bridges these research areas, and provides high-quality teaching.
Application deadline: November 16th, 2023.
For details, please see:
For questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Tobias Schreck (
<> tobias.schreck(a)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Schreck
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization
Inffeldgasse 16c II, Room 134
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 316 873 5403, Fax: +43 316 873 105403
Mail: <> tobias.schreck(a)