The Visual Computing Laboratory (ISTI-CNR) and prof. Marco Tarini of Insubria University have recently won National and European grants for 4 research projects:


- "DSurf: Scalable Computational Methods for 3D Printing Surfaces" (Italian funding scheme PRIN)  on 3D printing technologies

- "EMOTIVE" (EC project  H2020) on  Virtual/Augmented Reality technologies for enriching the museum experience 

 - International Joint Laboratory - National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), on 3D digitization

 - "SmartCarePad" (Regional project on 3D printing for medicine)

Very soon, a few new positions will be opened to work with these two research groups.

We are looking for young and motivated researchers willing to work on 3D Computer Graphics (subtopics: 3D digitization, Visualization and Rendering, Geometry Processing and Digital Fabrication).

Eligible master-level candidates may also have the chance to earn a PhD title. 


Calls will be announced soon on the web page of the Visual Computing Laboratory

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** Stay tuned! **

Please feel free to contact us for any clarifications:

Roberto Scopigno,

Marco Tarini,