To: general(a)
>> Sorry for duplicates <<<
This letter is just to remind you the DEADLINE of the 15-th WSCG International Conference.
Please, feel free to visit the site that contains all relevant
information about the forthcoming and passed events including on-line papers of all WSCG
conferences since 1992 - available at no restrictions.
Shall we ask to forward this information to colleagues of yours that could be interested
We thank you very much for your consideration to submit a paper and please, accept our
apologies for contacting you by this mail.
Yours truly,
Vaclav Skala
---------------------------------- CUT HERE ----------------------------
---------------- Call for Papers ----------------
W S C G ' 2007
(formerly the Winter School of Computer Graphics)
15th International Conference in Central Europe
on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2007
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS
University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
close to Prague - the Golden European City
January 29 - February 1, 2007
Honourary Chair
Nadia-Magnenat Thalmann, MIRALab, University of Geneve, Switzerland
Conference Co-Chairs
Jarek Rossignac, College of Computing, Georgia Tech, USA
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Keynote speakers
Agreements pending
Information for authors
Paper registration: September 27, 2006 13:59 GMT (London time)
Paper and files uploads: October 11, 2006 13:59 GMT (London time)
Format A4 (strictly), max. 8 pages, additional material (video as MPEG, AVI and similar
files, color plates etc. can be submitted, please, no video tapes) up to 5 MB
Topics included
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and pattern
recognition, fundamental algorithms, graphical human computer interfaces, geometric
modeling and computer aided geometric design, computational geometry, rendering and
virtual reality, animation and multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, objectoriented graphics, parallel and distributed graphics, WWW technologies, CAD/CAM, DTP and
GIS systems and others.
International Program Committee and Reviewing Board members review all papers
peer-to-peer carefully and anonymously.
Selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, Vol.15. ISSN 12136972
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG proceedings with
The Journal of WSCG and WSCG proceedings are indexed/abstracted by ISI, INSPEC and
Organizer and conference office
Prof. Vaclav Skala, c/o University of West Bohemia, Univerzitni 8, Box 314,
CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a) Subject: INFO WSCG 2007 Tel./Fax: +420-37-763-2457
Feel free to visit where on-line papers are available (no access
restriction) since 1992