EUROGRAPHICS 2011 - Call for Papers





     32nd Annual Conference

     of the European Association for Computer Graphics


     April 10th to 15th, 2011

     Llandudno, Wales, UK


Conference co-Chairs:

     Jonathan C. Roberts, Bangor University

     Eduard Gröller, Vienna University of Technology





Papers co-chairs

     Min Chen, Swansea University, UK

     Oliver Deussen, University of Konstanz, DE



Deadlines (

     Full Papers Abstracts: 24 September 2010

     Full Papers:           1 October 2010


     STARS, Tutorials:      October 8th, 2010


     Short papers,

     Education papers, and

     Areas papers:          December 10th, 2010




Eurographics 2011 will be the 32nd annual conference of the European

Association for Computer Graphics. The 2011 conference will take place

in the town of Llandudno in Wales, UK at Venue Cymru. The hosts for

2011 are the Research Institute of Visual Computing, locally organised

by the Visualization and Medical Graphics group at the School of

Computer Science, Bangor University.


Authors are invited to submit original work presenting fundamental

research, practice and experience, or novel applications in all areas of

computer graphics and related topics thereof.


Please note that an abstract submission is required one week before

the full papers deadline to assist the papers chairs in allocating

reviewers and ensure that the review process runs to time.