PhD proposal in geoviz in VisUrba project Team CRENAU - Lab AAU - École Centrale de Nantes ( Team IVC - Lab IRCCyN - University of Nantes
The understanding of complex spatio-temporal urban data is a critical challenge in urban planning as the stakeholders have to take into account numerous constraints related to various domains embedding sustainable, social and economical concerns.
To tackle this problem, geovisualization uses methods based on human perception and cognition to show the underlying meaning of spatio-temporal datasets. This PhD thesis proposes to explore visualization methods in various 3D environments (Desktop, VR, AR, SAR) to find the best solution for a given user task (exploration, decision) at a given urban scale (building, street, district, etc.).
More details :
Required skills:
MsC in computer science. Knowledge in visualization or HCI would be a plus.
To send:
Application letter, CV, Master results, coordinates of one or two referees
Vincent Tourre: Guillaume Moreau: Patrick Le Callet: