EuroVis 2011: Eurographics / IEEE Symposium on Visualization June 1-3,
Bergen, Norway <http://www.UiB.no/EuroVis2011/>
Building on the success of past EuroVis conferences, we invite you to
participate in the 13th annual Eurographics / IEEE Symposium on
Visualization. EuroVis is the *most important visualization venue* in
Europe and it is the first time that EuroVis takes place in Norway.
This presents a unique opportunity to see some of the best works in
visualization research. The symposium program contains *two invited*
*talks* and presentations of *over 50 peer-reviewed papers*, reporting
significant new research results and case studies on the practical
application of visualization in data analysis. The papers are published in
a special issue of the *Computer Graphics Forum* journal after an
international two-stage reviewing process. You can find a sneak preview on
the conference program via the following URL:
The conference also hosts a co-located one-day workshop on the new and
upcoming topic of Visual Analytics, EuroVA 2011, May 31, 2011:
Bergen is Norway's second largest city and the main center of life and
business on the beautiful west coast of the country. The University of
Bergen is a major part of the compact center of the city and students,
residents, as well as a larger numbers of tourists enjoy the historic Hanse
city during the long and light summer days. Early June is amongst the very
best weeks in the year to visit Bergen and is indeed very popular during
this time -- early booking of accommodation is thus strongly recommended!
EuroVis 2011 is organized by the local research group in visualization at
the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen [
http://www.ii.UiB.no/vis/ ]. The group is
related to several important local research fields such as medicine,
geosciences, marine life research, and climatology.
Before April 16, 2011, participants of EuroVis 2011 can register at a
significantly reduced *early-bird registration* rate:
After registration, the participants will receive information about hotels
that have a contracted rate, reserved for EuroVis participants.
Please note that these rooms are only bookable as long as they are
available, at the latest until mid-April. After that the rooms will be
given away by the hotels freely and to non-fixed rates. Please let us
repeat that it is strongly recommended to *book accomodation as soon* *as
possible*. Bergen in summer is very, very popular amongst tourists from all
over the world. Usually the hotels in town get booked out very quickly.
You can find touristic information on Bergen here:
If you have colleagues that may also be interested in seeing Europe's best
visualization conference and meet some of the leading experts in
visualization, please, share this information. We are also very, very
thankful to the Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and other sponsors of
EuroVis 2011 as well as to Forskningsrådet for their substantial support.
Our sponsors and supporters are listed here:
For more information on this venue, please visit our website:
Ivan Viola, Assoc. Prof. in Visualization University of Bergen, Norway
web: <http://www.ii.uib.no/vis>
mailto: <mailto:ivan.viola@uib.no> ivan.viola(a)uib.no
skype: ivanviola