Visualization and MultiMedia Lab
University of Zürich, Switzerland
Open position for a Postdoc in the area of real-time 3D graphics and interactive scientific visualization at the University of Zürich. This position is for an Experienced Researcher (ER) in an EU-FP7 Marie Curie Actions Initial Training Network called DIVA: Data Intensive Visualization and Analysis.
The DIVA project is an international EU-FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) with a focus on structured and collaborative research and teaching activities in Data Intensive Visualization and Analysis methodologies, in data-driven science and technology application domains. DIVA involves three academic institutions (University of Zürich, University of Rostock and Chalmers Technical University), one research lab (CRS4) and two industrial partners (Diginext and Holografika).
This open position is for an experiences researcher, Postdoc, specifically in computer science with a focus on parallel 3D computer graphics and scientific visualization. With the continuing increase in parallelism, being it cluster of distributed graphics nodes or multi-GPU solutions, flexible parallel as well as distributed rendering methods and visualization systems are in high demand.
The emphasis of this open position in this context is on the development of new scalable multi-level dynamic load balancing techniques optimizing single-frame parallel rendering as well as dynamic allocation of the visualization system’s distributed graphics and computing resources. Furthermore, interoperability including failure detection and recovery strategies are of primary interest as well as the development of parallel and distributed visualization services applying novel cloud-computing principles. Currently targeted application domains include the aerospace industry, advanced display systems, bio-medical imaging, geo-visualization, urban planning, architectural modeling, material science, molecular visualization and more. Increasingly interactive in-situ visualization solutions in the context of specific application domains are of interest too.
On the part of the applicant, this position requires a high interest and previous experience not only in real-time graphics and scientific visualization, but also in distributed and parallel cluster systems and services. Furthermore, a strong interest and good skills in learning new programming frameworks, 3rd-party code and networked computer systems is necessary, as the targeted research project also builds on previously developed frameworks.
The activities of the position not only include research and continuing training, but also support in teaching as well as administrative tasks and project management. The main research goal is to conduct excellent research generating results which are published and presented in top international journals and conferences.
This advertised position is at the University of Zurich (UZH), which is an internationally recognized research university with faculties in medicine, humanities, economics as well as mathematical and natural sciences. UZH is the largest university in Switzerland and ranked among the top world leading research universities, e.g. according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and has recently been ranked top 15 in Europe (59th worldwide). The Department of Informatics (IFI) covers major computer science and information management research and teaching topics, it offers BSc, MSc as well as PhD degrees in computer science.
The Visualization and MultiMedia Lab (VMML) and IFI, are located in the vibrant city of Zürich as part of the university’s new Nord-Campus in Oerlikon in a modern office building. The UZH Nord-Campus is conveniently located a short walk off the Max-Bill Platz, center of the new trendy living, shopping and business district New Oerlikon, as well as near the Oerlikon train, S-Bahn and tram stations. Also the Zürich international airport (ZRH) is reachable within minutes with public or private transportation. The surrounding area also offers affordable living.
The DIVA project involves frequent interactions, internships, workshops and summer schools with the other international network partners. Hence the project promotes short stays at other research labs and companies in other European countries and cities (i.e. Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Sweden, France and Hungary).
ER fellows and Postdocs are paid according to EU-FP7 regulations for Marie Curie ITNs as well as according to local host regulations. ER and Postdoc appointments will be made with respects to local host university and company guidelines. Same applies for fringe benefits and vacation days.
Applicants are obliged to engage in the DIVA training and research activities. See also http://www.diva-itn.eu.
For application and further information contact: Prof. Renato Pajarola, mailto:pajarola@ifi.uzh.ch
A PhD degree in computer science with a focus on 3D computer graphics or scientific visualization from an internationally recognized university is required. Applicants must not have worked or lived in Switzerland for 12 months during the past 3 years.
The prospective candidates are supposed to have an excellent background in computer science and parallel and distribute systems as well as experience with computer graphics and visualization. Exposure to parallel programming and distributed systems is required. Interests in computational and numerical methods and collaboration with domain scientists is beneficial as well.
Applications must include a detailed CV/resume, information of university level educational background and practical work experience in computer science, a short statement of motivation and clear exposition of prior graphics and visualization experience. Certified copies of transcripts, degrees and reference letters may eventually be required.
Entrance is subject to the successful evaluation of candidate(s), expected for 2014 Duration is expected to be 2 years for Postdocs
Prof. Dr. Renato Pajarola
Visualization and MultiMedia Lab, Department of Informatics, University of Zürich Binzmühlestrasse 14
8050 Zürich
email: pajarola@ifi.uzh.ch