Dear colleagues,
I would like to bring to your attention an open call for tenure track W2 (associate professor) faculty positions in the computer science department of Saarland University, Germany.
Applications in the field of visual computing in general and computer graphics in particular are very much encouraged.
Christian Theobalt
Saarland University Computer Science is seeking to hire initially 4 Associate Professors (W2) with six-year tenure track to a permanent W3 professorship. We are looking for highly motivated young researchers with a background in the following research areas:
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Data Science, Big Data
- Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Programming Languages and Software Engineering
- Computer Architecture and High-Performance Computing
- Networked, Distributed, Embedded, Real-Time Systems
- Bioinformatics
- Computational Logic and Verification
- Theory and Algorithms
- Societal Aspects of Computing
We especially encourage applications of outstanding researchers in any modern area of Computer Science. The position will be established in the Department for Computer Science or in the Department for Language Science and Technology at the Saarland Informatics Campus (SIC), located in Saarbrücken. With its 800 researchers and more than 2.000 students from 81 countries, the SIC belongs to one of the leading locations for Computer Science in Germany and in Europe. All areas of computer science are covered at five globally renowned research institutes and three collaborating university departments, as well as in a total of 21 academic programs.
Our Offer:
Associate professors have faculty status at Saarland University, including the right to supervise bachelor’s, master’s and PhD students.
They focus on world-class research, will lead their own research group and will have a significantly reduced teaching load. In case of outstanding performance, the position will be tenured as full professor (W3). The tenure decision is made after at most 6 years. The position provides excellent working conditions in a lively scientific community, embedded in the vibrant research environment of the Saarland Informatics Campus.
Saarland University has leading departments in Computer Science and Computational Linguistics, with more than 350 PhD students working on timely topics (see for additional information).
Applicants must hold an outstanding PhD degree, typically have completed a postdoc stay and have teaching experience. They must have demonstrated outstanding research abilities and the potential to successfully lead their own research group. Active contribution to research and teaching, including basic lectures in computer science, is expected. Teaching languages are English or German (basic courses). We expect sufficient German language skills after an appropriate period.
Your Application:
Candidates should submit their application online at:
No additional paper copy is required. The application must contain:
- a cover letter and curriculum vitae
- a full list of publications
- a short prospective research plan (2-5 pages)
- copies of degree certificates
- full text copies of the five most important publications
- a list of references: 3-5 (including email addresses), at least one of
whom must be a person who is outside the group of your current or former supervisors or colleagues. Applications will be accepted until
January 5th, 2020
Application talks will take place between Feb. 05 and Feb. 26, 2020.