Dear friends and colleagues,


I am looking for a PhD student to join my group within Dartmouth’s

Visual Computing Lab <> in Fall 2021

(application deadline is December 15, 2020). My group works on a variety

of topics in computer graphics, including rendering, appearance

capture/modeling/fabrication, and computational photography.


This year, I am particularly interested in candidates for a project with

a strong mathematical component at the intersection of graphics,

physics, atmospheric sciences, and non-classical light/particle

transport (in collaboration with researchers at NASA JPL and The Ohio

State University). The project provides opportunities for

cross-supervision/collaboration between these three institutions, and

internship opportunities at JPL.


I’ve set up a page with more details about my lab and the research

project here:


If you are interested, please see the CS Department’s application

instructions here:


I am committed to growing a diverse, interdisciplinary, and inclusive

research group. I am interested in applicants who are able to work

effectively with students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds,

including but not limited to: racial and ethnic minorities, women,

individuals who identify with LGBTQ+ communities, individuals with

disabilities, individuals from any income background, and/or first

generation college graduates. Moreover, I am seeking applicants who not

only have the skills and passion for this research, but who also have a

demonstrated ability and commitment to increasing diversity in STEM and

computer science. Applicants should explain in their personal statement

how their teaching, research, service, and/or life experiences prepare

them to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Please forward to anybody who may be interested.





Wojciech Jarosz

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science

Dartmouth College