IEEE CG&A Special Issue on Visual Computing with Deep Learning - Call for
The great success of deep learning techniques in computer vision, speech
recognition, and natural language processing has recently attracted much
attention. While machine learning techniques have long been used to solve a
wide range of graphics and visualization problems, most of them rely on
problem-specific "feature engineering" to extract favorable features from
the training data, which is often a manually-tweaked, time-consuming process
and usually does not generalize well. Deep learning techniques, on the other
hand, are capable of automatically discovering features appropriate for a
specific task from raw data, which reduces the need for feature engineering
and makes it easier to develop end-to-end solutions. The recent advances in
Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and reinforcement learning methods
show their potential for data generation and action planning. It is expected
that the use of deep learning techniques can significantly advance the
performance of many state-of-the-art graphics and visualization algorithms.
Unlike computer vision applications, which mainly focus on visual content
analysis and understanding, graphics and visualization tasks must often
create visual content (e.g., synthesizing an image, generating an animation
sequence, visualizing and interpreting spatial-temporal data) that exhibits
the high quality to be used in entertainment or visualization applications.
Furthermore, end-to-end deep learning techniques require a large amount of
labelled data to work optimally. This raises an additional challenge
because, unlike computer vision, which relies on natural images or video
that can be conveniently collected on Internet, high-quality synthesized
visual content with proper labeling is rare. Finally, different from many
vision tasks where automation is the ultimate goal, creating visual content
is often an interactive, progressive process. Therefore, user interaction
must be integrated into the learning and run-time computation process.
For this special issue, we are soliciting papers that describe algorithms,
data structures, tools and systems that use deep learning or facilitate the
use of deep learning for graphics and visualization tasks. More
specifically, we are looking for contributions that demonstrate practical
impact of deep learning on (but not limited to) the following topics:
Visual analytics applications
Object/scene reconstruction from RGB/RGBD images
Shape analysis and synthesis
Appearance capture and modeling
Global illumination and real-time rendering
Sound synthesis and rendering
Physics-based simulation of fluids and deformable objects
Performance-based face/body animation
Computational photography
Deep learning models and training schemes for visual content creation
Important Date:
Final submissions due: 1 July 2018
Publication date: March/April 2019
Guest Editors
Kun Zhou, kunzhou(a)zju.edu.cn
Xin Tong, Microsoft Research Asia, xtong(a)microsoft.com
Submission Guidelines
Non department articles submitted to IEEE CG&A should not exceed 8,000
words, including the main text, abstract, keywords, bibliography,
biographies, and table text, where a page is approximately 800 words.
Articles should include no more than 10 figures or images. Each 1/4 page
figure, image, and table counts for approx. 200 words. Note that all tables,
images, and illustrations must be appropriately scaled and legible; larger
elements should be accounted for accordingly with respect to word count.
Please limit the number of references to the most relevant and ensure to
delineate your work from relevant past articles in CG&A. Furthermore, avoid
an excessive number of references to published work that might only be
marginally relevant. Consider instead providing such pertinent background
material in sidebars for non-expert readers. Visit the CG&A style and length
guidelines at
www.computer.org/web/peer-review/magazines. We also strongly
encourage you to submit multimedia (videos, podcasts, and so on) to enhance
your article. Visit the CG&A supplemental guidelines at
Please submit your paper using the online manuscript submission service at
https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cs-ieee. When uploading your paper, select
the appropriate special issue title under the category "Manuscript Type."
Also, include complete contact information for all authors. If you have any
questions about submitting your article, contact the peer review coordinator
at cga-ma(a)computer.org.
CFP Web Page: