Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Position - Graphics and Interaction - University of Cambridge
The Faculty of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Cambridge is seeking a lecturer in the broad research area of graphics and interaction. We are looking to recruit someone who can contribute to the Faculty's research in one or more of the following areas:
-novel interaction technologies;
-interactive applications of computer vision and machine learning; -computer graphics.
The ideal candidate will have a practical inclination: tackling real world problems before the real world realises there is a problem, and able to articulate that vision as a leader in the international research communities. We would like to appoint someone who can envisage the future of technology and build early prototypes to investigate systems and usability before the technology becomes commercial.
The broad area of graphics and interaction is one in which there is considerable scope for cooperative research within the Faculty and beyond.
Existing staff in this area include: Peter Robinson (novel interaction technologies and affective computing), Richard Mortier (interaction with domestic networks), Rob Harle (location sensing at various granularities), Cecilia Mascolo (mobile systems), Neil Dodgson (displays and computer-aided design) and Alan Blackwell (practice-based design and arts). There is also substantial related work in the Faculty of Engineering, for example, in speech (Gales, Young, Woodland), vision and robotics (Cipolla), sensing (Lasenby), machine learning (Ghahramani, Rasmussen, Turner, MacKay), and engineering design (Clarkson, Crilly, Kristensson). Microsoft Research Cambridge has major research groups in vision and machine learning, as well as human experience and design.
Closing date for applications: 30 April 2015.
Provisional interview dates 20 & 21 July 2015.
Appointment from 1 October 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter.
For more information and details of how to apply, see: