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       Fifth Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing
                in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH

                Barcelona, Spain,  July 4-6 2007

Paper Co-Chairs:
  * Alexander Belyaev, MPI Informatik
  * Michael Garland, NVIDIA Corporation

Organizing Co-Chairs:
  * Pere Brunet Crosa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  * Àlvar Vinacua, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

  The Symposium on Geometry Processing is the premier venue for
  disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in
  computerized processing of geometric models. In this emerging
  area, concepts from applied mathematics, computer science,
  and engineering are used to design efficient algorithms for
  acquisition, reconstruction, manipulation, simulation and
  transmission of complex 3D models. Applications of geometry
  processing algorithms cover a wide range of areas from multimedia,
  entertainment, and classical computer-aided design, to bio-medical
  computing, reverse engineering, and scientific computing.

  We are now inviting submissions related to, but not limited to,
  the following topics in geometry processing:

  - geometry and topology representations
  - compression of static or animated geometry
  - surface and volume parameterization
  - approximation and meshing
  - reverse engineering
  - simplification and level of detail
  - smoothing and denoising
  - computational geometry
  - multiresolution shape analysis and synthesis
  - geometric aspects of rendering and other fields
  - interactive techniques
  - animation and simulation

  The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the
  Eurographics Proceedings Series, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH.


  * Electronic abstract submission deadline: April 18, 2007
  * Electronic paper submission deadline: April 25, 2007
  * Author notification: May 22, 2007
  * Camera ready copy deadline: May 30, 2007

  * Symposium:   July 4-6, 2007


  Instructions for electronic submission of papers
  will be posted on the conference web site:

  Submitted papers will be carefully reviewed by members of the
  Program Committee (see the list below) and selected external


  Pankaj Agarwal (Duke University)
  Tony DeRose (Pixar)
  Craig Gotsman (Technion)


  Marc Alexa (Germany)
  Pierre Alliez (France)
  Nina Amenta (USA)
  Dominique Attali (France)
  Ioana Boier-Martin (USA)
  Jean-Daniel Boissonat (France)
  Mario Botsch (Switzerland)
  Pere Brunet (Spain)
  Frederic Cazals (France)
  Daniel Cohen-Or (Israel)
  David Cohen-Steiner (France)
  Leila De Floriani (Italy)
  Tony DeRose (USA)
  Mathieu Desbrun (USA)
  Herbert Edelsbrunner (USA)
  Bianca Falcidieno (Italy)
  Michael Floater (Norway)
  Thomas Funkhouser (USA)
  Craig Gotsman (Israel)
  Cindy Grimm (USA)
  Stefan Gumhold (Germany)
  Igor Guskov (USA)
  John Hart (USA)
  Kai Hormann (Germany)
  Hugues Hoppe (USA)
  Martin Isenburg (USA)
  Misha Kazhdan (USA)
  Andrei Khodakovsky (USA)
  Myung-Soo Kim (South Korea)
  Ron Kimmel (Israel)
  Leif Kobbelt (Germany)
  Bruno Levy (France)
  Dinesh Manocha (USA)
  Ralph Martin (UK)
  Heinrich Mueller (Germany)
  Mark Pauly (Switzerland)
  Konrad Polthier (Germany)
  Helmut Pottmann (Austria)
  Jarek Rossignac (USA)
  Peter Schroeder (USA)
  Roberto Scopignio (Italy)
  Hans-Peter Seidel (Germany)
  Alla Sheffer (Canada)
  Jonathan Shewchuk (USA)
  Claudio Silva (USA)
  Gabriel Taubin (USA)
  Amitabh Varshney (USA)
  Luiz Velho (Brasil)
  Johannes Wallner (Austria)
  Wenping Wang (China)
  Joe Warren (USA)
  Denis Zorin (USA)
