EGPGV 2011:
11th Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
of the European Association for Computer Graphics
April 10-11, 2011
Llandudno, Wales
Online registration is now open at
The EGPGV 2011 symposium will be held in conjunction with the EUROGRAPHICS
Annual Conference in the town of Llandudno in Wales, UK. The hosts for 2011
are the Wales Research Institute of Visual Computing, locally organized by
the Visualization and Medical Graphics group at the School of Computer
Science, Bangor University.
EGPGV is the premier international event focusing on parallel graphics and
visualization technology, where novel solutions exploiting and defining new
trends in parallel hardware and software architectures are presented. The
aim of the symposium is to strongly encourage exchange of experiences and
knowledge in parallel and distributed visual computing and its application
to all aspects of computer graphics and data visualization.
We look forward to welcoming you to Wales!