Dear colleague,
Eurographics Graphics and Cultural Heritage (EG GCH) is proud to announce the next event:
Visual Heritage 2018 (VH2018)
Vienna (Austria), November 12-15, 2018
With the aim of continuing the successful experience of Digital Heritage 2013 (Marseille, France) and Digital Heritage 2015 (Granada, Spain), the next edition of the EG GCH Symposium will be organized in cooperation with CHNT (Cultural Heritage and New Technologies) in Vienna. The aim of this federated event is again to bring different communities in the same venue, to share experiences and discuss methodologies concerning digital visual media and their use in the context of cultural heritage applications.
We are looking for a wide participation of our community, as well as the collaboration and inclusion of other structured communities and events, since Visual Heritage 2018 is aimed as an open circle (please contact the organizers at if you are an organization/community interested in joining us).
The 2018 edition will be a special event, since 2018 has been declared by the European Commission the "European Year of Cultural Heritage". The event in Vienna will also take place during the Austrian term as President of the EC. Therefore, VH2018 will be an ideal context for discussing European policies on digital heritage and digital humanities.
Visual Heritage 2018 will have independent call of papers for each event contributing to the program.
The EG GCH 2018 program will be based on a call for papers that will include:
- regular papers (8 pages)
- short papers (4 pages)
- project papers (4 pages)
- work in progress/posters (2 pages)
- tutorials.
The submission deadlines are:
- regular papers: June 20th, 2018
- short/project/poster/tutorial: July 15th, 2018
Paper submission
More details on the EG GCH scientific topics, instructions for submitters, call for paper dates, and the selection procedure will be published soon on EG GCH VH2018 web page (
Conference details
Details on the organization, venue, registration fees, location and transports for the overall federated event will be published on the main Visual Heritage 2018 web at .