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17th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, November 6-9, 2019
*** Extended deadline for research papers: July 8th June 21st (abstract) and June 24th (paper) ***
The 17th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH 2019) aims to engage practitioners and researchers across the world working at the interface of novel digital technologies and cultural heritage. Taking place at the heart of the Balkans, in the city of Sarajevo this year’s event will explore the role of computer graphics and other digital technologies in safeguarding, preserving and providing access to cultural heritage which might be vulnerable from natural and man-made threats such as climate change, economic hardship, violence and neglect. As such, the event will enable participants to showcase and discuss new technologies and workflows available to heritage professionals to document, monitor, study, conserve/preserve and provide access to both tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches are particularly relevant to the event and this is reflected in the diversity of invited contributions.
For the research community, GCH 2019 provides an excellent scientific forum to exchange novel ideas and developments as well as to identify future research and application opportunities. For the practitioner community, GCH 2019 provides a unique opportunity to feed into technical developments as well as to identify new techniques and ideas which can be transferred into practice.
The event seeks different types of contributions including:
1. Research papers: original and innovative research (maximum 10 pages),
2. Short papers: update of ongoing research activities or projects (maximum 4 pages),
3. Posters: overview of activities (500 words abstract),
4. Tutorials of solutions available to the community, and
5. Special sessions on topics of interest to the workshop.
Contributions are solicited (but not limited to) in the following topics:
- Imaging techniques for Cultural Heritage processes, including visual analysis techniques such as 3D scanning, motion capture, multispectral imaging, X-ray, terahertz imaging, and other techniques allowing to record Cultural Heritage.
- Visual data processing and data fusion
- Digital libraries, archiving and long-term preservation of 3D documents
- Visual analysis of datasets, including semantic-aware representation of digital artefacts (metadata, classification schemes, annotation), similarity search and browsing.
- Visualization and virtual museums, including serious games and storytelling
- Multi-modal and interactive environments
- Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations
- Digital fabrication, including subtractive and additive methods such as 3D printing
- Organizational aspects of cooperation between ICT and CH experts for project development
- Best practices and guidelines for deployment of ICT solution in the CH domain, including budgeting and maintenance
- User demand and reception of ICT solutions in CH institutions
Research papers deadline: July 8th June 21st (abstract), June 24th (paper)
Tutorials deadline: July 15th
Special sessions deadline: July 15th
Short papers deadline: August 30th August 12th
Poster deadline: August 30th August 12th
Notification research papers, tutorials and special sessions: August 12th
Notification short papers and posters: September 20th
Camera ready for all contributions: September 30th
All accepted research and short papers will be published by the Eurographics Association and archived in the EG Digital Library. The authors of selected best papers will be invited to submit an extended version to the ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH, see http://jocch.acm.org/).
We will seek to publish other contributions in collaboration with proposers of tutorials and special sessions.