GCH2022 - Full Paper submission extended to May 13th 2022

GCH2022 - Delft, September 28-30, 2022 - 


Due to several requests, we are extending the deadline for the full paper submission to the Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage up to Friday, May 13th.

We encourage submissions of new research, projects and applications that demonstrate how computer graphics and other digital technologies are impacting cultural heritage research, preservation and dissemination and promoting sustainable cultural tourism.

This year we invite contributions in the form of full research papers, short papers, posters, and panel sessions/tutorials, with the following corresponding important dates:

Full Paper Submission: May 13, 2022

Full Paper Notification: June 17, 2022
Full Paper Camera Ready: July 18, 2022

Short Paper Submission: June 27, 2022
Short Paper Notification: July 18, 2022
Short Paper Camera Ready: August 26, 2022

Tutorial Submission: June 27, 2022
Tutorial Notification: July 18, 2022
Tutorial Camera Ready: August 26, 2022

Poster Submission: August 29, 2022
Poster Notification: September 7, 2022
Poster Camera Ready: September 14, 2022

Conference: September 28-30, 2022

The complete Call for Papers can be found at the following link:


For more information we invite you to visit the official GCH2022 website:


We are looking forward to receiving your submission and, although EG GCH will run in a hybrid format, to seeing you in Delft if circumstances permit.

Kind regards.

The organizing committee, 

Ricardo Marroquim, Federico Ponchio, and Ruggero Pintus