PhD studentship opportunity: Mass digitization and metadata enrichment of 3D cultural heritage artefacts by automatic and user-based metadata acquisition
Applications are invited for a four year fully-funded PhD studentship within EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA – . The studentship comprises a one-year MRes based at UCL, London, followed by three years PhD study at the University of Brighton, in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (Darmstadt, Germany) and the Brighton Royal Pavilion and Museums. The project will look at the state-of-the-art ‘conveyor belt’ approach to high fidelity 3D digitization of complex cultural artefacts. Effective management and exploration of collections depends on the acquisition not just of the artefacts themselves, but also of semantic metadata, providing annotation of, and linkage between, acquired assets in the collection. This PhD project aims to explore the potential for the application of mass digitization technology in cultural heritage organisations, and to develop tools and techniques for the enrichment of collections with metadata by automatic and user-based acquisition.
Application deadline: open until filled, for Sep 22 start on MRes at UCL
Detailed information:
As a SEAHA student, you will have unparalleled access to research infrastructure and expertise across three universities and almost 50 heritage, research and industrial partners. In addition to the university doctoral training requirements, SEAHA students take part in an exciting range of cohort activities, ranging from residential events and group projects, to conferences and careers events.
Please visit the SEAHA website ( for details.
This exceptionally interdisciplinary project will enable you to seek employment in any number of multidisciplinary environments: from academia to creative industries. You will have an outstanding record in aspects of computer science related to the project (consistent with a first or upper-second in Computing Science) and will be able to demonstrate knowledge and commitment within a cultural context. Excellent proficiency in the English language is mandatory and knowledge of the German language is encouraged. Professional experience in industry would be an advantage. For further details contact Dr. Roger Evans,
The SEAHA Studentship will cover home fees and a stipend of up to a maximum of £16,726 per year (current rate) for eligible applicants (, and a substantial budget for research, travel, and cohort activities.
The application should include:
- A covering letter clearly stating your motivation
- The UCL graduate application form which can be downloaded via UCL's web site:
- Two academic references
- A copy of your degree certificate(s) and transcript(s) of degree(s),
- Proof of meeting the UCL English language proficiency requirements where necessary. For SEAHA candidates, an advanced level certificate is normally required (details of English language proficiency requirements can be found at graduate/apply/english-language/index)
- A short research proposal (max. 2000 words) written by taking into consideration the above research questions.
The applications should not be submitted by UCL online admissions system. Instead, they should be sent directly to:
SEAHA Manager
UCL Centre for Sustainable Heritage
Faculty of the Built Environment UCL
14 Upper Woburn Place
LondonWC1E 0NN
UCL Taking Action For Equality.
Application deadline: 1200 (noon) 13 August 2014; thereafter the position will remain open for applications until filled. Interviews are expected to take place in the first week of September.