High Performance Graphics 2012
Call For Posters and Registration
We are pleased to announce High-Performance Graphics 2012. High Performance Graphics is the leading international forum for performance-oriented graphics systems research including innovative algorithms, efficient implementations, and hardware architecture. The conference brings together researchers, engineers, and architects to discuss the complex interactions of massively parallel hardware, novel programming models, efficient graphics algorithms, and novel applications. High Performance Graphics was founded in 2009 to synthesize and broaden on two important and well-respected conferences in computer graphics: Graphics Hardware and Interactive Ray Tracing.
Conference Info
The conference, which will take place on June 25-27, is co-located with the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering in Paris, France. HPG 2012 is co-sponsored by Eurographics and ACM SIGGRAPH. The program features three days of paper and industry presentations, with ample time for discussions during breaks, lunches, and the conference banquet. The conference website is located at http://www.highperformancegraphics.org/
We invite the submission of posters describing on-going or late-breaking work. In addition to traditional posters, this session will be enhanced to provide opportunities for paper authors to present implementation details or hands-on demonstrations.
The deadline for poster submissions is Monday, May 7. Notification of acceptance is Monday, May 14.
To submit a poster, please:
Additional information:
For further information please contact: posters@highperformancegraphics.org
Hot 3D Systems Track
We invite vendors in the graphics industry to present their latest and greatest 3D chips, high-performance software, and system designs.
Presentations should be 20 minutes long, technical rather than marketing-oriented, and with a focus on real products. Hot 3D presentations are not considered archival publications for the purposes of future submission to peer-reviewed venues.
The deadline for Hot 3D applications is Monday, May 7.
For further information please contact: hot3d@highperformancegraphics.org
Presenters and participants are invited to bring prototypes and products for demonstration at the event. Demonstrations will be held during breaks and before and after the sessions. We highly encourage paper authors and industry presenters to demonstrate their systems. Please contact the organizing committee by email at general@highperformancegraphics.org to arrange for space or electrical connections that may be required for your demonstration.
General Chairs:
Michael Doggett (Lund University)
David McAllister (NVIDIA)
Program Chairs:
Warren Hunt (Intel)
Jens Krüger (IVDA Saarland University)
Papers Chairs:
Carsten Dachsbacher (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Jacob Munkberg (Intel)
Jacopo Pantaleoni (NVIDIA)
Poster Chairs:
Manfred Ernst (Intel)
Justin Hensley (AMD)
Local Arrangements Chairs:
Elmar Eisemann (Telecom ParisTech)
Tamy Boubekeur (Telecom ParisTech)
Publicity Chairs:
Christiaan Gribble (Grove City College, USA)
Josh Steinhurst (Bucknell University, USA)
Anselmo Lastra (University of North Carolina, USA)
Steve Molnar (NVIDIA, USA)
International Paper Committee:
Timo Aila (NVIDIA)
Kurt Akeley (Lytro)
Tomas Akenine-Möller (Lund University / Intel)
Kavita Bala (Cornell University)
Solomon Boulos (Stanford University)
Erik Brunvand (University of Utah)
Per Christensen (Pixar)
Kayvon Fatahalian (Carnegie Mellon University)
Simon Fenney (Imagination Technologies)
Tim Foley (Stanford University / Intel)
Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University)
Milo¹ Ha¹an (University of California, Berkeley)
Michael Houston (AMD)
Konstantine Iourcha (AMD)
Thiago Ize (Solid Angle)
Tero Karras (NVIDIA)
Subodh Kumar (IIT Delhi)
Sylvain Lefebvre (INRIA Nancy)
Aaron Lefohn (Intel)
Charles Loop (Microsoft Research)
Dinesh Manocha (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Bill Mark (Intel)
Morgan McGuire (Williams College / NVIDIA)
Steve Molnar (NVIDIA)
Petri Nordlund (Qualcomm)
Derek Nowrouzezahrai (University of Montreal)
Marc Olano (University of University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
John Owens (University of California, Davis)
Matt Pharr (Intel)
Kari Pulli (NVIDIA)
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Philipp Slusallek (University of Saarland)
Marc Stamminger (University of Erlangen)
Jacob Ström (Ericsson)
Matthias Teschner (University of Freiburg)
Ingo Wald (Intel)
Daniel Weiskopf (University of Stuttgart)
Chris Wyman (University of Iowa)
Jason Yang (AMD)
Kun Zhou (Zhejiang University)