Dear Colleagues,
The CORE ranking of journals and conferences, used in Australia for research evaluation, is also used outside Australia, either formally or informally. Due to the small number of graphics researchers in Australasia, the list of journals and conferences in our field is incomplete and some rankings are clearly incorrect.
Therefore, please take the time to participate to the survey below, open to all researchers with a PhD:
- Go to: and enter values for the main journals and conferences in our field.
- Enter NA (non applicable) for the other ones.
(the original announcement is below)
Thanks and best regards,
Marie-Paule Cani, vice-chair of Eurographics
Crowdsourcing journal rankings in Computer Graphics
You are invited to participate in a crowdsourcing study run by CORE (Australasian COmputing Research and Education association) to collect opinions on the quality of various computer science journals. The intent is to analyse the usefulness of this data as input to a rankings process for adding or modifying rankings of journals in the CORE database ( If aggregate opinions are found to be useful,they will be provided to the rankings committee for assessment regarding journal ranking decisions.
The success of crowdsourced data collection depends on obtaining large numbers of participants. There are insufficient computer graphics researchers in Australasia to make a good sample, so we are seeking opinions from researchers in the Eurographics community.
To participate in this study you must be an active researcher, and hold a PhD in the field.
Further information, and the entry point to the survey can be found at
Within the survey, Computer Graphics is included within section 0801 (Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing). The survey allows you to ignore any journals with which you have no experience. It takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
Please do NOT reply to this email. If you wish to discuss this approach, please join the discussion list at and use this for any discussion.
Neil Dodgson
Professor of Computer Graphics
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Lin Padgham (CORE President)
Professor in Artificial Intelligence
RMIT, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia