[Call for participation] PG 2017
Dear colleague,
We are celebrating the 25th anniversary of Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2017) in Taipei, Taiwan from 16 - 19 October 2017.
This year, we have an exceptional set of keynote speeches:
***Computer animation fuels new design engines
Miguel A. Otaduy, Associate Professor, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
***Image-based modeling and rendering
Johannes Kopf, Research Scientist, Facebook
***What is the next stage of augmented reality
Hirokazu Kato, Professor, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
We also have a workshop on HCI/Visualization, a poster session, and paper sessions, which include 22 full, six short paper presentations and special paper presentations invited from IEEE TVCG and CGF. For details of the conference program, please visit http://www.siggraph.org.tw/pg2017/program.html.
You can find useful and up-to-date PG17 information from the conference web site, http://www.siggraph.org.tw/pg2017/index.html.
Note that the early registration deadline is September 15th.
We would appreciate your participation of PG17 and hope to see you in Taipei in October!
Sincerely yours,
Pacific Graphics 2017 Team