The Eurographics Best PhD Thesis Award aims to recognize good thesis work in Europe, to incentivize young researchers, and to offer them the opportunity to publish the state of the art section of their thesis as a STAR in the Computer Graphics Forum Journal. Eurographics annually grants three PhD thesis awards. They are jointly sponsored by Eurographics and the Computer Graphics Forum Journal. The PhD Thesis Awards Committee consists of five members.
The current Call will close on November 30th, 2015. Candidates will be PhD Theses defended and mainly conducted in Europe or in countries having a Eurographics Chapter or in EG Organizational Member Institutions ( ). Theses defended and awarded the degree from May 1st, 2014, up October 31st, 2015, are eligible in this edition. The required documentation includes:
1. The Thesis in English, or a link to the corresponding entry in the EG Digital Library.
2. Names and contact details of four possible reviewers, of which at least one is not the Thesis supervisor or one of the examiners or a co-author in a publication resulting from the thesis. The connection of each possible reviewer to the Thesis (Supervisor, Examiner, Co-author, None) should be stated. The Awards Committee reserves the right to solicit reviews also from persons not on this list.
3. The submission must include a link to the Thesis pdf in the Eurographics Digital Library, Graphics Dissertation Online. Nominations must refer to Thesis documents being publicly available at Graphics Dissertation Online. Forms and procedures for submission of the thesis for archiving in the Eurographics Digital Library are available at:
4. Full CV of the candidate with explicit mention of which publications resulted from the thesis.
The documentation of candidate nominations must be sent by e-mail to the PhD Thesis Awards chair, Paolo Cignoni (, not later than November 30th, 2015. Submissions can be sent by the candidate, the supervisor or any other researcher. All submitted material should be in English. Every Thesis can be submitted only once.
The PhD Thesis Awards Committee consists of five members. Committee membership will be for five years terms, which will be staggered to ensure continuity. The committee can decide, as an extraordinary measure, to increase the number of awards in some years. The Committee will consider the quality of the work, the review reports, the quality and impact of the publications derived from the thesis, the coherence of the state of the art section in the thesis and any other relevant aspect of the work.
Awarded researchers will be announced and receive a certificate at the opening session of the Annual Eurographics Conference (where they will profit from a free registration). They will also receive a three-years free Eurographics membership, and will be invited to prepare a State-of-the-Art paper within two months after the Conference. Submitted papers will follow a fast track review cycle for publication in the STAR section of the Computer Graphics Forum Journal.