EuroGraphics 2020, Norrköping, Student Volunteers
In May, 24-29 of May, the joint conference EGEV2020 (Eurographics and Eurovis) will be held in Norrköping. These are the two largest European conferences in computer graphics and visualization. We are expecting that around 700 persons will attend the conference.
For the conference we are recruiting student volunteers. Among the student volunteer work tasks will be to support at the registration desk, guiding and showing the way in hallways in the conference facilities, supporting in the conference rooms (walking around with the handheld microphone and so on), but also to man an information desk at the central train station (primarily during Sunday and Monday).
As a student volunteer you will be working one work pass either before lunch or after lunch during the conference. While you’re not on duty, you’ll be most welcome to visit the sessions at the conference (and I strongly encourage you to take the opportunity to listen to interesting presentations and make new connections with researchers and industry partners). Lunch will be included for all student volunteers. And you’ll get nice blue t-shirts that will make you shine among the conference attendees.
If you have any questions, or if you want to submit your interest in joining the work force, don’t hesitate to contact me!
With best regards,
/Niklas Rönnberg