(Apologies if you received multiple copies of this message)
Dear friends and colleagues,
We are very excited to announce that the computer graphics group (LIGUM) at the Université de Montréal (UdeM) has secured an opening for a tenure-track position in computer graphics at the rank of Assistant Professor. As such, we are looking for highly motivated, strong candidates with proven track record to strengthen and complement our lab. We invite applications from all areas of computer graphics and also encourage candidates with cross-disciplinary background in graphics and other areas such as robotics, digital fabrication, vision, and more.
If you know of strong candidates, please do not hesitate to forward them our official announcement (see below). PhD student applicants will be expected to have graduated by June 1st, 2018. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Pierre Poulin (poulin@iro.umontreal.ca) or Bernhard Thomaszewski (bernhard@iro.umontreal.ca).
We are happy to provide additional information not listed in the official posting, such as details on UdeM’s generous consulting and sabbatical policies, our student population, as well as information about the city of Montreal. Montreal is a bilingual city, famous for its booming graphics industry in video games and visual effect productions, and its leading academic research environments. Our graduate students do not have to work in French, but undergraduate teaching is carried out in French; non-francophone candidates will have support for up to two years to develop their language skills before teaching in French.
Note that the application deadline is fast approaching (December 1st, 2017), however we will continue to accept reference letters until a later date (December 12th, 2017).
For more information about LIGUM, please visit our lab website (www.ligum.umontreal.ca) and/or refer to our personal websites (www.iro.umontreal.ca/~bernhard/ and www.iro.umontreal.ca/~poulin/).
Official announcement in English:
Official announcement in French:
Pierre and Bernhard