The Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments will take place in 
Lisbon, Portugal on May 8 - 10, 2006. Details of the programme are 
now available at

IMPORTANT: The Early Bird Registration date is 31 March.

We have assembled a high-quality programme of full papers, research 
sketches and invited talks, organised as a single track. We are 
particularly pleased that Roberta Klatzky, Professor of Psychology at 
Carnegie Mellon University, will give a keynote talk entitled 'How 
Psychophysics can Inform Device Design for Virtual and Augmented 
Reality'. For anyone involved in virtual environments this is surely 
an opportunity not to be missed!

The Symposium will take place in the Gulbenkian Foundation Congress 
Centre. On the website you can find details of the programme, 
registration procedure, and hotel reservations.

Do make the trip if you can. It promises to be an enjoyable and 
stimulating event.

We hope to see you in Lisbon.

Joaquim Jorge
EGVE Symposium Chair

Ming Lin and Roger Hubbold
IPC Co-Chairs