Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations of recent results, work in progress, new ideas and other smaller projects which may be of interest to the general community, but which are still too speculative, incomplete or not of sufficient extent to warrant a (full or short) paper.


Accepted posters will be included in the digital media. Posters will also be displayed during the conference and will form the focus of a poster session to be run in conjunction with one of the social events. We encourage submissions from all areas related to computer graphics, such as rendering, modeling, visualization, perception, animation, simulation, virtual reality, computer vision, and imaging.


Authors of accepted posters are expected to be present at their posters during the poster session to discuss their work and answer questions. An A0 portrait format poster board will be available for each accepted poster and it’s the authors’ responsibility to print, bring and put up their A0 poster at the conference. More details will follow when the conference program is available.


The deadline for proposals of poster submission is extended to February 14. More information can be found on the conference webpage: