Shape Modeling International 2021 is approaching quickly. It will be

an online conference on November 14-16; from Sunday to Tuesday.


On Sunday, we will have ``Subdivision History Day''. We will have

three panels with panelists Ed Catmull, Elaine Cohen, Nira Dyn, Tony

DeRose, Leif Kobbelt, Jeff Lane, David Levin, Charles Loop, Ahmad

Nasri, Jan Pinkava, Jorg Peters, Ulrich Reif, Richard Riesenfeld,

Malcolm Sabin, Peter Schroeder, Jos Stam, Luiz Velho, Joe Warren, and

Denis Zorin. The panels will start at 10:00 am in New York time and it

will take a total of three hours.


On Monday, one keynote speech by Siddhartha Chaudhuri and Young

Investigator Award-winning speech by Mélina Skouras. In addition,

there will three paper sessions with nine papers. Presentations will

start at 8:00 am in New York time and it will take a total of five

hours and thirty minutes hours.


On Tuesday, one keynote speech by Lining Yao and Kunii Award-winning

speech by Bianca Falcidieno. In addition, there will three paper

sessions with 10 papers. Presentations will again start at 8:00 am in

New York time and it will take a total of six hours.


For details of the program, please see


For registration:


Full Registration: $100

ACM/Eurographics/IEEE Members: $50

Students: $10

Registration fee is waived for Keynote Speakers, Subdivision Day

Contributors, and Volunteers.

Please register by choosing waived.