Open Call for Papers: Computers and Graphics Special Section on Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine

We invite submissions to the Computers and Graphics Journal (C&G) Special Section on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM). This call addresses original research, system, and survey papers that summarize and expand the state of the art in visual computing with a strong focus on applications to biology and medicine. We especially encourage submissions on interdisciplinary approaches that contribute to the next generation of visual computing solutions for medicine, healthcare, and the biotechnology sector by integrating elements from visualization, visual analytics, computer graphics, image processing, computer vision, and human-computer interfaces, guided by domain expertise in biology and medicine.


We solicit three types of submissions:

1.      Journal paper submissions presenting original work within the scope described below.

2.      Survey papers discussing the state of the art in topics relevant to VCBM.

3.      Significantly extended and revised versions (at least 30% of additional material) of full papers and surveys presented at the VCBM 2019 EG Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (


Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:

§  Visual computing solutions for medical applications like radiology, surgery, pathology, cardiology, nephrology, neurology, etc., including medical education.

§  Visual computing solutions for applications that support biomedical research in systems biology, *omics research, molecular pathology, neuroanatomy, biomedical imaging, etc.

§  Operation room of the future, including the uses of virtual reality and augmented reality in medical applications.

§  Visualization approaches for data from new or challenging imaging modalities including real-time imaging (e.g., ultrasound).

§  Visual computing solutions in the context of the virtual physiological human. Medical simulation and visual computing solutions that support new approaches in computational medicine.

§  Visual analytics solutions for data coming from epidemiological studies, like population studies.

§  Survey papers on visual computing in biology and medicine.


All submissions will be fully peer-reviewed by at least three experts according to the standards of Computers and Graphics. Please find for the complete author guidelines at: .


Important Dates

§  Submission Due: January 17, 2020

§  First Decision: February 17, 2020

§  Revised Papers Due: March 17, 2020

§  Final Decision: May 17, 2020

§  Publication: July 2020


The Guest Editors

Katja Bühler, Barbora Kozlikova, Bernhard Preim, Renata Raidou