International Digital Games Conference (iDig 2006)
GAMES 2006 Congress

September 26-28, 2006
Portalegre, Portugal

Call for Papers

** Final Call for Papers - Deadline for full paper - 9th of June ***

To submit a paper:
For more details see in
or contact us to

GAMES 2006
Invited Speakers Confirmed

Jason Della Rocca
Executive Director
International Game Developers Association (IGDA)

Jason oversees the day-to-day management of the
International Game Developers Association,
working to build a unified global game
development community and provide a common voice
for developers. Jason and the IGDA deal with such
diverse topics as anti-censorship advocacy,
academic relations, business issues, workplace
diversity, and developer quality of life. He also
oversees the running of the Game Developers
Choice Awards, an annual industry event which
recognizes and rewards outstanding achievement
within the game development community. Jason has
been a member of the game development community
for many years, and has spent time at Matrox
Graphics, Quazal and Silicon Graphics.

Leonard Paul
Video Game Audio Instructor
Vancouver Film School / Electronic Arts

Leonard teaches video game audio full-time at the
Vancouver Film School as well as being an
independent game audio contractor with his
company Lotus Audio. He attained his honors
degree in Computer Science at Simon Fraser
University. He is a recognized lecturer on the
topic of game audio and has given lectures at the
Banff New Media Institute, the New Forms
Festival, the Surrey Art Gallery and the 2003
GDC. His most recent worked on COACH K COLLEGE
BASKETBALL (Genesis), NBA LIVE 2000 (N64), MAX
PAYNE 2 (PC), and PS2 titles MODERNGROOVE:

Randi Rost
Senior Manager, Driver Development
Intel, Inc.

Randi Rost has managed the Fort Collins, CO
driver development group of 3Dlabs, Inc.
(formerly Dynamic Pictures) since October '97.
This group is currently driving the definintion
of the OpenGL 2.0 standard and implementing
OpenGL drivers for the 3Dlabs' family of graphics
products. Prior to joining 3Dlabs, Randi was a
graphics software architect for Hewlett-Packard's
Graphics Software Lab and was responsible for
leading Hewlett-Packard's graphics software
efforts in the areas of imaging and volume
rendering. Prior to joining Hewlett-Packard, he
was chief architect for graphics software at
Kubota Graphics Corporation. There he was
responsible for leading KGC's efforts to design
and implement a rich and flexible software
environment for KGC's line of high-performance
graphics and imaging systems. Randi has
participated in emerging graphics standards
efforts for over fifteen years. He was one of the
chief architects for PEX and served as the PEX
document editor for the first four years of the
effort. He has participated in the design of
OpenGL since its inception and, and was a member
of the Graphics Performance Characterization
(GPC) Committee during the development of the
Picture-Level Benchmark (PLB). He received NCGA's
1993 Achievement Award for the Advancement of
Graphics Standards. Randi has previously
participated in SIGGRAPH tutorials on PEX and
evaluating graphics workstations, was the course
organizer for tutorials on large model
visualization at SIGGRAPH '93, and was the course
organizer for tutorials on OpenGL at SIGGRAPH
`92, `93, and `94 and at Eurographics `94. His
most recent SIGGRAPH presentations were as the
course organizer for "CPU Extensions for Graphics
and Video" presented at SIGGRAPH '99 and as the
course organizer for "Media-Rich Programming With
OpenML" presented at SIGGRAPH 2001.

Tom Hunter
Compass Rose Games

Tom Hunter consults on pricing strategy for firms
in consumer products, telecommunications,
software, industrial automation, hardware and
financial networking. A professional interest in
price, value and pricing strategy coupled with a
life long interest in games and game design
inspired this article. He has spoken on the topic
of price and value in computer games and advised
independent game developers on pricing strategy.
Tom is also CEO of Compass Rose Games, a game
consulting and design firm focused on maximizing
the value of games. Compass Rose creates uniquely
effective strategies using price, value and
intellectual property to make games more successful and profitable.

In the scope of the GAMES 2006 Congress, the
first International Digital Games Conference
(iDiG Conference) aims to promote excellence in
research, creativity, and innovation in games
related areas. It constitutes a privileged forum
to foment interdisciplinary collaboration and
cooperation between industry and academia.
The goal of the conference is to get everyone
related to digital games together to promote a
comprehensive discussion of game issues and share visions of future gaming.

   Full Paper Submission Deadline: 9, June
   Short Paper Submission Deadline: 30, June
   Notification of Acceptance (full papers):  21, July
   Notification of Acceptance (short papers): 28, July
   Final Paper Submission (both, short and full): 4, August

   Jose Dionisio, Instituto Superior Tecnico
   Antonio Ramires Fernandes, Universidade do Minho

   John Sutherland, Abertay University
   Frans Mayra, University of Tempere / DiGRA
   Stephane Natkin, CNAM
   Paulo Gomes, Instituto Politecnico de Portalegre / APROJE
   A. Augusto de Sousa, Universidade do Porto / APROJE
   Luis Teixeira, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa / APROJE

   Aderito Marcos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
   Alan Chalmers, Bristol University, UK
   Ann DeMarle, Champlain College, US
   Antonio Coelho, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
   Bary W. Pollack, Sierra Nevada College, US
   Brian Winn, Michigan State University, US
   Catherine Pelachaud, Univesity of Paris 8, France
   Cecile Le Prado, ENJMIN, France
   David Adrian Cheock, Mixed reality laboratory / NTU, Singapure
   Didier Stricker, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
   Dmitri Williams, University of Illinois, US
   Frank Schoeffel, VRCOM, Germany
   Gabriel Zachmann, Bonn University, Germany
   Gastao Marques, Instituto Politecnico de Portalegre, Portugal
   Gerber Ramalho, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
   Glyn Heatley, Algoma University College, Canada
   Gonzalo Frasca, TU University of Copenhague, Denmark
   Janet H. Murray, Georgia Institute of Technology, US
   Jesper Juul, TU University of Copenhague, Denmark
   Jesse Schell, Carnegie Mellon University, US
   Joao Madeiras Pereira, Instituto Superior Tecnico / INESC, Portugal
   John Sutherland, Abertay University, UK
   Jose Creissac Campos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
   Jose Miguel Salles Dias, ISCTE / MICROSOFT, Portugal
   Katherine Isbister, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US
   Lee Sheldon, Anti-LinearLogic, US
   Leonard Paul, Vancouver Film School / Lotus Audio, Canada
   Licinio Roque, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
   Luis Filipe B. Teixeira, Universidade Lusofona, Portugal
   Luis Filipe Marcelino, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
   Luis Paulo Santos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
   Manuel Próspero dos Santos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
   Marcos Fernandez Marín, Valencia University / ARTEC, Spain
   Mark H. Overmars, Utrecht University, Netherland
   Mauro Figueiredo, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
   Mehdi Qas, Univesity of Wolverhampton, UK
   Michael J. Katchabaw, Middlesex College, Canada
   Nelson Zagalo, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
   Pascal Estraillier, Universite de la Rochelle, France
   Peter Astheimer, Glasgow ITI University, UK
   Philippe Martins, Instituto Politecnico de Portalegre, Portugal
   Rafael Bidarra, Delft University of Technology, Netherland
   Raquel Morais, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa Portugal
   Rui Bastos, NVIDIA, US
   Stephan Gruenvogel, University of Berlin, Germany
   Stephane Natkin, ENJMIN / CNAM, France
   Stephen Jacobs, Rochester Institute of Technology, US
   Susan Gold, Sierra Nevada College, US
   Tony Manninen, University of Oulu, Finland
   Veronica Orvalho, Dynamic Simulation Lab, Argentine
   Veronica Zammito, DiGRA, Argentina
   Yansheng Wang, Chinese Academy of Science, China


