Dear colleagues,
The Rendering and Modeling group at TU Wien is accepting applications for a
*PhD candidate* in the research project
*Instant Visualization and Interaction for Large Point Clouds (IVILPC)*:
to explore rendering, interaction, and learning solutions for massive
point-based data sets in the context of this exciting project. If you are
interested in topics like software rasterization on the GPU, virtual reality,
levels of detail, and/or ML for rendering, please apply via the link above!
The deadline for applications is May 20th, 2023, 23:59 CET), but please
contact me if you miss the deadline and still would like to apply.
Would you be so kind to distribute this job offer amongst your scientific
colleagues and potential candidates?
Michael Wimmer
-- Dr. Michael Wimmer--------------------------------------------------------
Institut fuer Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology
Technische Universitaet Wien tel: +43 (1) 58801 18687
Favoritenstr. 9-11/5/E193-02
A-1040 Wien, Oesterreich