Call for participation.
The Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference (EG_IT) is the main italian
conference on Computer Graphics. Organized by the EUROGRAPHICS
Italian Chapter, the 7th EG_IT will be held in Verona on 22-23
October, 2009.
The scientific program of the conference will consist of high-quality
talks by distinguished speakers and contributed posters. There will
be no
published proceedings, so that participants are encouraged to present
on their recent and ongoing work, even if it has already been
Invites speakers:
Oliver Bimber (Bauhaus-University Weimar)
Eoin Brazil (University of Limerick)
Giandomenico Caruso (Poiltecnico di Milano)
Massimiliano Corsini and Paolo Cignoni (ISTI-CNR, Pisa)
Raffaele De Amicis (Graphitech, Trento)
André Gagalowicz (INRIA Rocquencourt)
Enrico Gobbetti and Marco Agus (CRS4, Pula)
Michael Goesele (T.U. Darmstadt)
José Antonio Iglesias Guitiàn (CRS4, Pula)
Sylvain Lefebvre (INRIA Rhones.Alpes)
Renato Pajarola (University of Zurich)
Jean Philippe Pernot (LSIS - CNRS, Aix-en-Provence)
Enrico Puppo (University of Genova)
Fabio Remondino (FBK, Trento)
Lauri Savioja (Helsinki University of Technology)
Jerome Schmid (MIRALAB, University of Geneva)
Michela Spagnuolo (IMATI-CNR, Genova)
André Stork (Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt)
Luc Van Gool (ETH Zurich - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Gualtiero Volpe (University of Genova)
Michael Wimmer (T.U. Wien)
For more information, please visit the Conference web site at:
EG_IT 2009 Organising Committee
Umberto Castellani
Andrea Fusiello
Andrea Giachetti
Vittorio Murino
Andrea Fusiello
Dipartimento di Informatica phone: +39 0458027088
Universita' degli Studi di Verona fax: +39 0458027068
Strada Le Grazie, 15
I-37134 Verona, Italy e-mail: andrea.fusiello(a)