Call for Papers – 25th International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV 2020)


The symposium takes place September 28-October 1, 2020 in Tübingen, Germany.

The International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV) is well- established as Germany's premier scientific meeting that covers the full spectrum of visual computing. VMV offers researchers the opportunity to discuss a wide range of different topics within an open, international, and interdisciplinary environment.


VMV 2020 will be held together with GCPR, the DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, and VCBM, the EG Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine.


Given the COVID-19 situation it is unclear yet if the conference will take place in a physical format. We will turn to a virtual format if needed. We encourage authors to submit work to VMV even if they do not think they will be able or willing to attend in person due to the virus situation and/or potential travel restrictions.


As in previous years, the proceedings will be published in cooperation with Eurographics and archived in the EG digital library. Authors are encouraged to submit their original research results, practice and experience reports, or novel applications.



Relevant Topics

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:




·        3D Printing

·        Animation, Simulation, and GPGPU

·        Geometric Modeling




·        Color, Illumination, and Reflectance Modeling

·        Material Appearance

·        Realistic and Non-Photorealistic Rendering

·        Offline and Real-time Rendering

Visualization and Interactive Interfaces


·        Information Visualization

·        Scientific Visualization

·        Visual Analytics and Interactive Data Science

·        Visual Interfaces


Computer Vision and Image Processing


·        3D Acquisition, Motion Capture, and Tracking

·        Computational Photography, Sensors, and Sensor Fusion

·        Image-based Modeling and Rendering

·        Object and Pattern Recognition


Applications of/for Visual Computing


·        Biology and Medicine

·        Games and Film

·        Evaluation and Perception

·        Physics and Engineering

·        Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality


Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to Computer Graphics Forum.




Contributors are invited to submit papers of up to 8 pages in the EG publication style. Longer papers are expected to make additional contributions. The review process will be double- blind. Accepted papers have to be presented at the symposium. Papers and supplemental material will be submitted using the SRM submission system:



Important Dates



July 3, 2020

Paper submission deadline

August 14, 2020

Acceptance notification

September 4, 2020

Camera ready version

Sep. 28-Oct. 1, 2020




General Chair


Hendrik Lensch, University of Tübingen


Program Chairs


Jens Krüger, University of Duisburg-Essen

Matthias Niessner, Technical University of Munich

Jörg Stückler, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Tübingen