Dear colleagues,
TU Wien is looking for *1 PhD student* and *1 PostDoc*
in the interdisciplinary research project *Advanced Computational Design*:
For computer graphics researchers, we have 2 openings in "Lighting Simulation for Architectural Design", covering lighting optimization and interactive global illumination, while both computer graphics and geometry/math researchers will find interest in positions in "Higher Order Paneling of Architectural Freeform Surfaces" and "Flexible Quad-Surfaces for Transformable Design".
The context of this project is an interdisciplinary research programme where we aim to develop advanced computational design tools for the early design phase in Architecture, Engineering and Construction.
This is the second round of applications, which is open till March 15, 2020
23:59 (CET), but please contact me if you miss the deadline and still would like to apply.
Would you be so kind to distribute this job offer amongst your scientific colleagues and potential candidates?
Michael Wimmer
-- Dr. Michael Wimmer--------------------------------------------------------
Institut fuer Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology
Technische Universitaet Wien tel: +43 (1) 58801 18687
Favoritenstr. 9-11/5/E193-02
A-1040 Wien, Oesterreich