TLDR: We invite you to submit a poster for SAP 2024 (deadline 10 July). (Conference website:

About the conference:

The ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP) provides an intimate forum for researchers who combine knowledge, methods, and insights from perception research and computer science disciplines. This includes cognitive psychology, perceptual psychology, psychophysics, behavior analysis, and neuroscience on the perceptual side and computer graphics, computer vision, visualization, virtual reality, and human-computer interfaces on the visual computing side.

The interdisciplinary focus of this conference acknowledges that the various scientific disciplines in perception research and computer science research use different but complementary methods to address fundamentally similar questions. As such, combinations of knowledge, methods, and/or insights from the different fields can help to advance all of the applied perception fields.

ACM SAP 2024 will be held in Dublin, Ireland on August 30th and 31st at the Trinity Long Room Hub in Trinity College Dublin.

About the posters:

The posters program provides an informal venue for scholarly submissions within the scope of ACM SAP: whether it be completed work, work in progress, or a successful system or application. It serves to foster discussion amongst the community and provide feedback for authors. We additionally welcome poster submissions on projects that have been previously published but for which additional dissemination and discussion are desired. Dedicated poster presentations and fast-forward sessions will be included in the conference program.

Submissions are made through EasyChair:

Extended abstracts should be 2 pages including references and should follow the ACM SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines. Extended abstracts may include figures. Please note that the actual poster itself is not due at the time of the submission. The camera-ready abstract and poster PDF will be due via the easy chair submission system if the abstract is accepted (see important dates above).

We hope to see you in Dublin!

Goksu Yamac

Trinity College Dublin