The Chair of Visual Computing at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität

Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in Germany invites applications for the role of


PhD Research Assistant in “Visualization of Human Motion”


Background: The planned research is embedded as one of 19 exciting

scientific subprojects in the Collaborative Research Centre(CRC) 1483

EmpkinS. CRCs are one of the most renowned research measures in Germany.

It is the aim of this subproject to research techniques for the

visualization of tracked human motion for the purpose of medical

diagnosis and therapy, based on a personalized 3D avatar. The project

will be carried out in close corporation with our CRC partners from the

biomechanical and medical area.


Requirements: We are seeking motivated, creative candidates, who are

capable of working in a multidisciplinary team, and who have an above

average primary university qualification (master degree or diploma) in

computer science or a related field (e.g., information technology,

mathematics, computational engineering, etc.). Knowledge in computer

graphics or visualization is desirable. A good command of the English

language is prerequisite.


Work Environment: The Chair of Visual Computing at FAU offers an

excellent environment for high-class research. Among the core values of

our interdisciplinary team and in our state-of-the-art labs are

scientific excellence, good team work and knowledge sharing. The Chair

of Visual Computing is part of the Faculty of Engineering which awards

the academic degree Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.).


Position and Application: The project start date is July 1 or later.

This is a temporary position that is at least available for 3 years.

Remuneration is based on the collective agreement for civil servants in

Germany (TV-L E13, fulltime position).The appointee may pursue doctoral

studies in the Faculty of Engineering. Applications from severely

disabled persons, in the case of equal suitability, will be treated

preferentially. Qualified female candidates are especially encouraged to

apply as there is a policy in place at the University to increase the

proportion of female staff. Please submit your application (motivation

letter, tabular CV, certificates) as one document indicating the project

code B04 by e-mail by June 14, 2021 to


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Stamminger

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Chair of Visual Computing

Cauerstraße 11, 91058 Erlangen, Germany