Computers & Graphics Journal
Special Edition on High Dynamic Range Imaging CALL FOR PAPERS Papers are
invited for a Computers & Graphics journal Special Edition on High Dynamic
Range Imaging. This special edition seeks contributions which are based on
technical aspects related to the capture, storage, processing and display of
High Dynamic Range content.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) imagery has enabled the handling of content that
supports real world luminance. This has created a step change in imaging
technologies which were previously limited to a fixed and reduced dynamic
range which was unable to represent real-world lighting. HDR still has
challenges to overcome before it can become a fully-fledged commercial
technology. It is still not possible to capture HDR data, particularly
video, in a straightforward manner; once it is captured the number of
storage, compression and streaming algorithms are limited; and the display
technology has still not achieved its full potential. The applications for
HDR also vary widely, and some aspects such as Image-based Lighting have
garnered a lot of support, but other interesting applications are sure to
exist and yet to be brought into the limelight.
In this CFP we invite researchers and professionals that work with imaging
technologies to submit papers that will project HDR forward to meet and
overcome the current challenges and limitations. We invite work related to
but not limited to:
- The capture of HDR video and still images
- The storage, compression and streaming of HDR content
- Display of HDR content on LDR and HDR displays
- Generation of HDR content from LDR content
- Creation of novel HDR displays
- Image-based lighting
- Applications of HDR
- User studies which establish limits for HDR methods (capture, storage,
- The extension of HDR to other imaging technologies The Special Edition on
High Dynamic Range Imaging editors are: Kurt Debattista from the University
of Warwick (UK) and Luís Paulo Peixoto dos Santos from the University of
Minho (Portugal) see short CVs below.
Submissions: Friday, 1st March, 2013
Decision on Submitted papers: Tuesday, 16th April, 2013
Revised papers due: Friday, 16th May, 2013
Notifications to Authors due: Monday, 6th July, 2013
Accepted papers due: Wednesday, 31st July, 2013
November 2013
Computers & Graphics is an Elsevier publication. For paper formatting and
submission instructions please refer to <> .
You will have to register/log on to EES in order to be able to submit your
paper. When prompted to specify the paper type, you have to select: Special
section, HDR. Papers will be reviewed by at least three external
For further details please refer to: <>