Dear colleagues,

At this moment, it has yet not been decided whether the EuroVis conference will be held virtually or physically this year. More information will be posted at the EuroVis webpage ( However, irrespective of the COVID-19 situation in the spring, in order to prepare an engaging program for all attendees, we need your help. Please mark the following dates in your calendars and consider contributing to the poster session at EuroVis 2021.


Submission deadline: April 12, 2021

Notification: April 30, 2021

Camera-Ready Version: May 14, 2021

All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.

The poster track will present late-breaking results, work in progress, follow-up extensions, application case studies, or evaluations of existing methods related to visualization and computer graphics. In particular, it provides young researchers, especially postgraduate students, with valuable opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers and engage in stimulating discussions leading to possible new collaborations. This year we also invite posters describing open research problems defined by domain scientists (e.g., physicians, biologists, industry partners, etc.).

We solicit poster submissions in the form of a sketch (i.e., an extended abstract of at most 2 pages in the EuroVis poster format, with an additional page allowed for references only). For detailed poster preparation and submission instructions please refer to the webpage:

Kind regards,

   Jan Byška, Stefan Jänicke, and Johanna Schmidt

   EuroVis 2021 Posters Chairs