The UCL VEIV is the EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Virtual Environments,
Imaging and Visualisation. VEIV projects advance the science and engineering
of computational capture, rendering and simulation in a diverse range of
applications. VEIV runs an engineering doctorate (equivalent to a PhD),
through which research engineers (REs) are fully co-funded to devise
solutions relating to visualisation and imaging in engineering and design.
The EngD is four years in duration and includes an intensive MRes taught
course in the first year, with optional technical and business training at a
high level in subsequent years. The EngD is targeted at outstanding students
and engineers who want to direct research in industry, or want to maintain
significant links with industry in an academic career.
We currently have four open vacancies, sponsored by a variety of companies
and institutions:
* Microsoft Research: Novel Methods in Augmented Reality, Gaming and Novel
Display Technologies.
* Royal Free Charity: Argument Visualization for Medical Decision Support.
* Intel Research Institute on Sustainable Connected Cities: Sensing,
Visualizing and Making Sense of the City.
* Maxeler Technologies: Dataflow Architectures in the Creation of High-End
Immersive Virtual Reality.
For more information, please see
In addition, we have secured sponsorship for three more places starting
after January 2013 (January or October preferably, but other start dates are
possible. The sponsors are in the mobile applications and broadcast spaces.
We will be looking for skilled computer scientists with an interest in
computer graphics, user interaction design, computer vision-based
interaction or real-time systems. If you fit this profile and are interested
in coming to UCL, tell us what your interests are and we'll see if your
interests match the sponsors.
Note, that applicants must be either be UK citizens or EU citizens with
three years residency in the UK prior to the programme start date.
Prof. Jan Kautz
University College London, Dept. of Computer Science, Malet Place, London
Phone: +44 (0)20 7679 3249