Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to announce the second VRVis Visual Computing Award 2025. This is an award,
which VRVis has founded and financed, to promote the innovative power of Visual Computing
with regards to a sustainable future. The award focuses on application-oriented research
work from Europe that makes an important contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals
of the UNO (SDGs). Submissions via award(a) <> are
possible until October 31, 2025.
Please consider an application and/or forward this information to appropriate colleages.
Thank you!
You can find more detailed information attached and here:
Best regards,
Werner Purgathofer
Werner Purgathofer VRVis <>
Donau-City-Strasse 11 1220 Wien
Tel. +43-1-9089892 purgathofer(a) <>
formerly (still valid): wp(a) <>
TU Wien, Institute of Visual Computing & HC Technology