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                    CALL  FOR  PARTICIPATION -- SCA 2010

                            CALL FOR ANIMATIONS
                          REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN

       ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation

                               Madrid, Spain
                                  July 2-4


The Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) is the premier forum for innovations in the software and technology of computer animation. The ninth annual event unites researchers and practitioners working on all aspects of time-based phenomena. Our
focused, intimate gathering, with single track program and emphasis on community interaction, makes SCA the best venue to exchange research results, get inspired, and set up collaborations. Don't miss out!

We invite submissions to the SIGMAD Animation Festival for projection during the festival, and during SCA.  The Animation Festival is open to a wide spectrum of computer generated animations: narrative animation, real-time animation, video games trailers, music videos, visualization (...).  Accepted movies will receive a certificate and will participate to the best videos contest in each category.  They will be projected during the festival, and the reel from the jury will be shown as a special event during SCA 2010.

We encourage any of the following types of animation submissions:
   * Short Animation Movie, Professional level
   * Short Animation Movie, Amateur level
   * Technical Video
   * Game Demo

All details can be found on

Registration is now open.  Be among the 100 first participants and get a free mug !  Information on hotel booking with discount rates (until June 4th) is also available.

All details as well as the registration form can be found at

*** Conference co-Chairs ***

Francois Faure (Grenoble Universities, INRIA, LJK-CNRS)
Caroline Larboulette (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid)

*** Program co-Chairs ***

Zoran Popovic (University of Washington)
Miguel A. Otaduy (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid)

*** Posters Chair ***

Adam Bargteil (University of Utah)

*** Animation Festival co-Chairs ***

Caroline Larboulette (Madrid ACM SIGGRAPH Professional Chapter)
Laura Raya (Madrid Computer Graphics Students Chapter)

*** Important Dates ***

All deadlines are 11:59pm Central European Time (GMT+2).

4th of June 2010: Deadline for Movie Submission to the Animation Festival
1st of July 2010: Animation Festival
2nd-4th of July 2010: Symposium

Don't hesitate to contact us (see
http://www.gmrv.es/sca2010/) if you have any question.

We look forward to seeing you in Madrid!

Caroline Larboulette                    Associate Professor
Modeling and Virtual Reality Group      caroline.larboulette@urjc.es
Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid      http://gmrv.es/~zabador/