Call for Papers:


SMI/ISAMA 2013: Shape Fabrication & Sculpting Event


We invite you to submit a paper to Shape Fabrication and

Sculpting Program, a joint event by Shape Modeling

International (SMI) & International Society of The

International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and

Architecture (ISAMA). This stream of papers, first featured at

SMI'12, is targeted at practitioners such as architects and

sculptors, providing a venue for describing methods and

techniques relevant to their practice. We expect these

submissions to pose new questions and to motivate further

research in shape modeling. Papers accepted to this stream will

be published in a special issue of the Hyperseeing magazine.

This is similar to the publication of the SIGGRAPH art

submission in the Leonardo journal. Practical paper

presentations will be 15 minutes in length and they are likely

to be presented in sessions that are held in parallel with some

technical paper sessions.


Specifically, the Fabrication and Sculpting stream seeks

submissions presenting original research in all areas of

sculpting and fabricating of shapes. For list of topics see and for examples of papers

from 2012 event, see


Important Dates:


Submission deadline: 1 April 2013


First decision notification: 21 April 2013


Revised papers submission: 7 May 2013


Final decision notification: 15 May 2013


Final copies submission: 29 May 2013



Submission Paper submissions should be made via the easychair

conference management system at


For more information see


Chairs: Ergun Akleman, Alexander Pasko