Call for Participation: Eurographics workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing,
Monday, May 4, 2015 in Zurich
The definitive program for the WICED 2015 workshop is now out.
We would like to invite all of you to attend !
This one-day workshop features 8 oral paper presentations,
5 demos and poster presentations, and a rare keynote talk
presentation of the latest development in virtual cinematography at Crytek.
Virtual cinematography is a rapidly growing research field
at the crossroads between computer graphics, video processing,
artificial intelligence, computer vision, cognitive science,
human perception and film studies.
The WICED series of workshops a unique occasion for researchers
and practitioners in those fields to present their work, share ideas,
and prepare the future of virtual cinematography.
Join us on Monday, May 4 at the Congress Center in Zurich !
The organizers
William Bares, Marc Christie and Remi Ronfard
4th Workshop on Intelligent Camera Control, Cinematography and Editing
Kongresshaus in Zürich, Switzerland, May 4, 2015
9.00 AM - Keynote : Empowering Film Makers with Realtime Technologies
Cinebox’s power discovered by the film industry
Xiaomao Wu (Crytek)
10.30 AM - Perception and Aesthetics
Designing Computer Based Archaeological 3D-Reconstructions: How Camera Zoom Influences Attention
Manuela Glaser, Dominik Lengyel, Catherine Toulouse, and Stephan Schwan
Computer Generation of FilmicDiscourse from a Cognitive/Affective Perspective
John Bateman, Marc Christie, Roberto Ranon, Remi Ronfard, and Tim Smith
Comparing Film-editing
Quentin Galvane, Rémi Ronfard, and Marc Christie
1.30 PM - Live Video
Key-frame Based Spatiotemporal Scribble Propagation
Pelin Dogan, Tunç Ozan Aydin, Nikolce Stefanoski, and Aljoscha Smolic
Efficient Salient Foreground Detection for Images and Video using Fiedler Vectors
Federico Perazzi, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, and Alexander Sorkine-Hornung
A Computational Framework for Vertical Video Editing
Vineet Gandhi and Rémi Ronfard
3.30 PM - Intelligent Virtual Camera Systems
TowardMore Effective Viewpoint Computation Tools
Christophe Lino
Stylistic Patterns for Generating Cinematographic Sequences
Hui-Yin Wu and Marc Christie
4.30 PM - Posters and Demonstrations
Influence of a Moving Camera on the Perception of Distances between Moving Objects
Bärbel Garsoffky, Tobias Meilinger, Chantal Horeis, and Stephan Schwan
Insight: An Annotation Tool and Format for Film Analysis
Billal Merabti, Hui-Yin Wu, Cunka Bassirou Sanokho, Quentin Galvane, Christophe Lino, and Marc Christie
Implementing Game Cinematography: Technical Challenges and Solutions for Automatic Camera Control in Games
Paolo Burelli
Film Ties: An Architecture for Collaborative Data-driven Cinematography
William Bares, Donald Schwartz, Cristovam Segundo, Santoshi Nitya, Sydney Aiken, and Clinton Medbery
Visibility-Aware Framing for 3D Modelers
Roberto Ranon and Marc Christie