Call for Participation:
Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
Grenoble, France, August 30-31, 2004
Keynote Speaker: Takeo Igarashi, Tokyo University
"Freeform User Interfaces for Graphical Computing"
-- Preliminary Program available at
-- Registration Form is available at
-- Registration Fees:
EG Members: 100 Euros Non EG Members: 200 Euros
Modeling systems possessing great functionality now enable us to create very
complicated models. However, computers have yet to become usable at the very
early stages of design, where pencil and paper still reign. This is because
present-day interfaces require designers to leap large conceptual gaps from
their mental models of desired objects to the geometric models that formally
express their shape. As computer systems become more sophisticated, alternative
input modalities and interface technologies are emerging which may form the
basis for a new generation of sketching applications supporting what we may
call Calligraphic Interfaces. The purpose of this workshop is to explore novel
user interfaces sketching models. The workshop builds on work done in
recent years on modeling, 2D user interfaces and 3D user interfaces.
The workshop will take place just before the Eurographics'04 Conference
(September 1-3, 2004 , Grenoble) . As such, it will provide a very interesting
opportunity for researchers that want to attend /present communications at both
events. The workshop will be held in one day, including paper presentation and
invited sessions. Participation is open to everyone, not requiring submission
of a paper.
We look forward to meet you in Grenoble
John F Hughes
Joaquim Jorge
-J.Jorge [PGP Key Fingerprint: EA67 279D 23FF 543A 9CE1 F5D6 5AF0 D606]
Joaquim A. Jorge (jorgej(a), jaj(a)| PHONE:+351 213100363
INESC, Rua Alves Redol,9, 1000-029 Lisboa, PORTUGAL| FAX: +351 213145843
ICQ:112527225_______Simplex Sigillum Veri__________|____jaj(a)inesc.pt_____
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