23-24 of May, 2016
Uppsala University, Campus Gotland, Visby, Sweden
4th Call for Papers
Deadline is postponed:
Paper & Poster submission : 20 March ==> 27 March, 2016
Please make sure that the deadline of Poster submission is the same day as Paper submission which is: 27th of March.
SIGRAD is the premier Nordic forum for computer graphics and visualization advances for academia and industry, with a special focus on visualization and interactive graphics in computer games and education in Sweden.
SIGRAD2016 welcomes paper submission from around the World, not only the Nordic area.
SIGRAD2016 will be organized by the Department of Game Design, Uppsala University, Campus Gotland (Sweden) in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS and The Society for Art And Science.
The topics covered by SIGRAD2016 will include Computer Graphics and Visualization, but are not limited to:
- Interactive computer graphics and animation techniques
- Virtual collaboration spaces
- Visualization
- Computer Games and Multi-user web games
- Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality
- Virtual humans and avatars
- Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
Submission categories include paper (4 - 8 pages), and poster paper (1 -
2 pages). All papers will be published in the same conference proceedings.
Papers will be scheduled for oral presentation, Poster papers will also have an opportunity to make a brief oral presentation (fast-foward format) in addition to a Poster session.
Authors of selected papers from the Technical Program will be invited to submit significantly extended versions to be considered for publication in Computers and Graphics:
Undergraduate/Master level students may attend the conference and present for a heavily discounted fee. In this case, they must be the first author on the paper, implying that a significant amount of the work has been conducted by a student. University identification cards will be requested at the time of registration in order to provide proof of student status.
- Paper & Poster submission : 20 March ==> 27 March, 2016
- Authors notification : 5 April ==> 12 April, 2016
- Authors registration : 20 April ==> 26 April, 2016
- Camera-ready paper : 20 April ==> 26 April, 2016
- Conference date : 23-24 of May 2016 just after GGC(Gotland Game
The Submissions in the form of paper (4 - 8 pages, A4) and Posters (1 or 2 pages, A4) will be accepted for review by an international committee of experts.
In order to submit to SIGRAD 2016, authors should prepare their submissions as a PDF file using the SIGRAD 2016 LaTeX2e style. This style follows strictly the Eurographics authors・guidelines for workshop/symposium proceedings.
LaTeX2e style: http://sigrad.se/onewebmedia/egPublStyle-SIGRAD2016.zip
Authors should also include a short footnote in their papers categorising the paper into one of the following submission
1) Academic Paper/Poster : Academic research papers
2) Industry Paper/Poster : Position and whitepapers relating to work being conducted in industry
3) Education Paper/Poster : Papers concerning education and pedagogical techniques
4) Special sessions: Papers/Poster concerning the thesis of Special sessions
*PAPERS/POSTERS FIRST-AUTHORED BY STUDENTS* Additionally, papers first-authored by a student should also be clearly labelled through an additional footnote.
Papers should be submitted in the PDF file format through EasyChair at the following link:
Honorary Chair:
-Hans Svensson (Uppsala University)
General Chair
-Steven Bachelder (Uppsala University)
Program Chair
-Masaki Hayashi (Uppsala University)
Finance Chair
-Masayuki Nakajima (Uppsala University)
For any question or inquire regarding this conference, please contact Secretary Masayuki Nakajima:
nakajima.masayuki (AT) gmail.com