Eurographics 2013 Education Track
Girona, Spain, May 8-9, 2013
In 2013, Eurographics will once again host an education track at our annual conference. We will again have the most current papers and panels on education in computer graphics and computer graphics in education, but we will have some new features in the programme:
• Tips and Techniques: borrowing from one of the most lively features of the SIGCSE conference, we invite short presentations of effective teaching tips and techniques for focused computer graphics course content.
• Outstanding student projects: borrowing from SIGGRAPH education content, we invite instructors to present outstanding student computer graphics projects and describe the course context for them.
• Issues with implementing the European Bologna process in computer graphics, with a lively panel and extensive discussions among faculty who are dealing with these issues in their programmes.
Look for the Call for Participation for the EG 2013 Education Track later this year at the Eurographics 2013 conference Web site:
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in Girona next May!
• Eva Cerezo, Universidad de Zaragoza
• Jean-Jacques Bourdin, Université Paris 8
• Steve Cunningham, Brown Cunningham Associates