PhD Position in 3D Shape Retrieval and Analysis


The position is available at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization at TU Graz

(see The position is fully funded for three years and includes a one year

research exchange with Nanyang Technical University, Singapore within the joint PhD Program in Visual

Computing of the two Universities (see


Research Focus and Environment

Due to recent advances in 3D acquisition and modeling, increasingly large amounts of 3D shape data

become available in many application domains. Coping with large 3D shape data requires effective and

efficient techniques to support 3D searching, exploring, analyzing and processing tasks. Our research

group works on feature-based approaches for 3D shape retrieval including sketch- and example-based

methods; clustering and classification of shape repositories for annotation and visual exploration; and on

similarity-based methods for restoration of fragmented or incomplete shapes.

The successful candidate will contribute to the group’s research efforts by developing, applying and

evaluating novel feature-based shape analysis methods to support one or more of the above mentioned

problems. The methods to be researched are informed by new application needs in domains such

as Computer Aided Design and Digital Archeology. The researcher will collaborate with experts from

relevant application domains to gather requirements, experimental data, and perform joint evaluation.

Our research group offers a pleasant working atmosphere in a motivated, cooperative, and technically

very well equipped environment. We offer excellent professional and personal development possibilities,

including participation in interesting research projects, a foreign exchange program, and a range of industry

contacts. The group is part of the Visual Computing research cluster in Graz, offering an excellent

scientific environment. The city of Graz and the Austrian state of Styria offer exceptional quality of living.



We are looking for a highly motivated member for our research team with a Master degree in Computer

Science or a related field. Candidates have a background in Visual Computing techniques and are motivated

to take on basic research challenges in the areas described above, and demonstrate the novelty

and effectiveness of their methods by experimental evaluation and application. Practical programming

skills in Java, C++ or other suitable language are required. Applicants are fluent in English and enjoy

collaborative work in an international environment.


Contact and Application

Please contact for further details on the position. To apply, please send your CV,

academic credentials and a letter of motivation by email or by postal mail to:


Graz University of Technology

Faculty for Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering

Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization

Ingrid Preininger

Inffeldgasse 16c

A-8010 Graz