Postponement of the deadline
July 3, 2023 July 17, 2023
Dear colleagues,
The ICGI 2023 – International Conference on Graphics and Interaction – corresponds to the 30th conference promoted by the Eurographics Portuguese Chapter – the Portuguese group of the European Association for Computer Graphics. The conference started in the late 80's as a small symposium and has grown in importance each year.
The Special Section on Recent Advances in Graphics and Interaction, in the Computers & Graphics Journal, is an alternative track for paper submission to ICGI 2023, each with its own set of deadlines. Papers submitted to this track are expected to present mature and novel research results and all accepted papers are scheduled for oral presentation at the event.
This Special Section is dedicated to the latest and promising research related to interaction techniques, computer graphics, and its applications, including software, hardware, visualization, and games. It covers the areas of Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Information Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction, as well as related fields such as Virtual and Augmented Reality, Modelling, Rendering, Digital Arts, and Information Visualization.
In preparing your submission, please follow the submission guidelines for the Computers & Graphics Journal, as detailed in the instructions for authors available at Ensure that you read and follow the instructions carefully before uploading your submission. Please select “VSI: RAGI 2023” in the “Article Type” step in the submission process.
All submissions will be fully peer-reviewed by at least three experts according to the standards of Computers & Graphics. Authors of accepted papers will have to present their work at the International Conference on Graphics and Interaction 2023 (
Important Dates
Submission Due: July 3, 2023 July 17, 2023
First Decision: Within four weeks of submission
Revised Papers Due: September 4, 2023
Final Decision: October 4, 2023
Guest Editors
Vítor J. Sá (ICCD | FFCS - Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Anabela Marto (CIIC | ESTG - Polytechnic University of Leiria)
Paula Alexandra Silva (DEI | CISUC - University of Coimbra)
Alan Chalmers (WMG - University of Warwick)