A building with a gold dome and a blue and yellow building with a gold dome and a blue and yellow building with a black and white logo

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceGCH 2024

You are cordially invited to contribute to the 22nd EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH). GCH 2024 (https://www.gch2024.eu/) welcomes presentations of new research, projects, demonstrations and applications that demonstrate how computer graphics and other digital technologies are impacting Cultural Heritage (CH) research, preservation and dissemination and promoting sustainable cultural tourism. Specific sessions will be organised to seek new challenges and projects involving different stakeholders of the Heritage ecosystem. Hence, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome to the event.





The event aims to engage with practitioners and researchers across the world working at novel digital technologies and approaches to CH. This year, the workshop is organized in Darmstadt (Germany) from 16th – 18th September 2024 and will take place in the Hessian Landesmuseum (Welcome to the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt – Hessische Landesmuseum Darmstadt (hlmd.de))

City of Science or Centre of Culture? Darmstadt is both. Like almost no other city, it combines an appreciation of the arts with a passion for science and innovation. Darmstadt still has the charm of a royal capital – at the same time it is a modern city, a laboratory for cultural as well as scientific experiments. The journey started on the Mathildenhöhe with the forming of the Artists' Colony, a group of artists whose exhibitions enjoyed worldwide recognition and who created a document of modern forms of construction and housing - starting point for modern industrial design.

UNESCO honored Darmstadt’s Mathildenhöhe as world heritage site in July 2021 as an outstanding example of experimental architecture of the early 20th century consisting of the Wedding Tower, Exhibition Hall, Artists' Colony Museum, plane tree grove and artists' houses.

The second UNESCO award back in 1995 was the honoration of the Messel Pit as UNESCO Natural Heritage Site. Messel Pit is the richest site in the world for understanding the living environment of the Eocene, between 57 million and 36 million years ago. In particular, it provides unique information about the early stages of the evolution of mammals and includes exceptionally well-preserved mammal fossils, ranging from fully articulated skeletons to the contents of stomachs of animals of this period.

GCH2024 invites you to join into dedicated trips to both sites, offering you a unique opportunity to visit the two world heritage sites.



The objective of this year’s EG GCH is to foster discussion between research scientists at the crossroads of AI, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, HCI design, and Digital Heritage researchers, in a collaborative environment with cultural institutions, scholars in the Cultural Heritage domain and Creative Industries.

GCH 2024 welcomes presentations of new research, projects, applications and best practices that show innovative ideas or other advanced digital technologies involved in CH research, analysis, preservation, simulation, documentation, dissemination, and promotion. Inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches are particularly welcome to the event.

We encourage the community to participate in the discussions on promises and concerns about the adoption of AI and reconstruction technologies by scientists and practitioners in the field of Creative Industries and CH.

For the research community, GCH 2024 will provide an excellent scientific forum to exchange novel ideas and groundbreaking developments as well as to identify future research opportunities. For practitioners and students, GCH 2024 will provide a unique opportunity to feed into technical developments as well as to identify new techniques and ideas which can be transferred into practice.


Journal Tracks

Like last year, GCH has established agreements with leading journals, including the ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage and the Elsevier Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Journal. Hence, we invite authors to submit innovative research via Special Issues in these journals.

ACM JOCCH’s Special Issue on “Visual Heritage” focuses on novel computing research for documenting, accessing and researching cultural heritage, including areas of computer graphics, computer vision, artificial intelligence, visualisation, human-computer interfaces, and other visual technologies. Short versions of these papers will be included in the EG proceedings, while the Special Issue will be published by December 2024.

!!! This call is closed !!!

Elsevier DAACH’ Special Issue on “Digital Restoration for Cultural Heritage Preservation” focuses on applications, design and advancements in 3D digitization, digital restoration, and visualization techniques specifically tailored for the preservation of cultural heritage. More information on the call can be found at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/digital-applications-in-archaeology-and-cultural-heritage/about/call-for-papers

!!! This call is still open !!!

Types of non-Journal Contributions for GCH 2024

Authors for non-journal contributions will present different types of papers to GCH 2024 including: 

1.     Full Research Papers: original and innovative research (max. 10 pages incl. refs.)

2.     Short Papers: research activities, applications or projects (max. 4 pages inc. refs.)

3.     Posters / Demo: overview of activities or national/international Interdisciplinary projects (2 pages)



Contributions are solicited within the following topics (but not limited to): 

  1. Digitisation of CH resources (3D scanning, motion capture, multispectral imaging, X-ray, terahertz imaging, etc.)
  2. Material acquisition, reconstruction, preservation
  3. AI-based view synthesis for ad-hoc 2d and 3d reconstruction
  4. AI-based material reconstruction for rendering and presentation
  5. General AI technologies that could be beneficial for eXtended Reality CH environments
  6. Advanced image-based rendering techniques
  7. Collaborative interactive eXtended and hybrid environments
  8. Visualisation for CH applications
  9. eXtended reality applications in the field of CH
  10. Multi-modal analysis of CH data
  11. Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections
  12. Emotional and cognitive user experience design
  13. Interactive solutions and HCI design for CH applications
  14. Virtual Museums, Digital Technologies and Applications for Museums
  15. Digital fabrication, including 3D printing for tangible interfaces
  16. Semantic technologies for digital libraries


Registration Fees


GCH 2024



LATE (from 16.08.2024)

EG member 2


€ 350

€ 480


€ 300

€ 370

Non EG member


€ 430

€ 530


€ 330

€ 430


Social Dinner: € 75


1 Early-bird: before 15.08.2024

2 The registration fee does not include EG membership.
Eurographics is a professional Computer Graphics association, a non-profit organization, that devotes its efforts to providing useful resources and services for members.
If you want to become an EG member, follow instructions at: https://services.eg.org/EG




GCH2024 is organised and supported by TU Darmstadt, Fraunhofer IGD, Landesmuseum Hessen, DFG, CNR ISPC & ISTI, and the PERCEIVE project.