Call for Eurovis Education Papers
We seek original contributions for presentation and publication in the Eurovis Education Papers track. The scope includes various topics related to education:
Teaching related areas such as Information Visualization, Scientific Visualization, Visual Analytics,
Designing and teaching online and hybrid courses: novel teaching methods, curriculum design, teaching to diverse audiences, tools and platforms for teaching, assessment techniques for evaluating learning outcomes,
Enabling and exploiting visualization tools and techniques to teach in other disciplines.
Classroom challenges in visualization, e.g. innovative and effective assessment, engaging student interest, managing diverse student backgrounds, teaching mathematical foundations,
Incorporating modern technology in visualization courses (e.g. VR, AR, 3D printing, gaming, etc),
Bringing visualization research into the classroom,
Promoting undergraduate research in visualization,
Visualization Literacy - models and frameworks for evaluating data visualization literacy, strategies to enhance data visualization literacy in the classroom or with general audiences, case studies of data visualization literacy initiatives.
We invite authors to submit their contributions that fall into one of the following categories:
[max. 8 pages]
the experience of educators in the topics listed above, bringing ideas on how to make the education process more efficient and funnier, attracting students to further research work, discussing innovative opportunities, etc. Whenever possible, we encourage
authors to provide evidence of their effectiveness.
[max. 4 pages]
real assignments, providing examples of handouts and starter code and examples of student work. Explanations and descriptions of when and how to implement and facilitate the assignments in a semester (e.g., orchestration details) are highly recommended.
Providing a description of the assessment method is also suggested. Authors may provide all relevant artifacts as supplementary materials during submission, and agree to provide access to them online upon acceptance.
student projects
(individual or group) [max. 2 pages]
should describe
the learning context for the project and show how the student(s) brought creativity to their work. Upon acceptance, authors are expected to demonstrate the project during their presentation.
Eurovis Education contributions are published in the Eurographics Digital Library. The best regular papers may be recommended to the editors of prestigious journals in the field, Computer Graphics Forum, Computers and Graphics, and IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, who may invite the authors of these papers to submit extended versions to their journals. The best assignments may be invited to publish in CGEMS: Computer Graphics Educational Materials Source.
All deadlines are in 2025.
Submission: January 8
Notification: March 4
Camera-ready deadline: March 25
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
Eurovis 2025 Education Paper Chairs
Jillian Aurisano, University of Cincinnati, US
Robert S Laramee, University of Nottingham, UK
Carolina Nobre, University of Toronto, Canada