Call or Papers, Computers & Graphics:

Special Section on Advanced Displays (Submission deadline: April 15, 2013)


Dear colleagues,


We sincerely invite you to submit papers to the special issue of Computers & Graphics on Advanced Displays


Over the past few years, there has been an increasing interest on advanced display architectures, both in industry and academia. These may combine novel optical elements, computational algorithms or even models of the human visual system, to provide an enhanced, richer viewing experience.


In the Special Section, we seek contributions spanning all aspects of advanced displays, from theory to practice. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):


High Dynamic Range Displays

Computational Displays

Light Field Displays

Projection-based Displays

Perceptual Models

Stereoscopic Displays

Compressive Displays

Automultiscopic Displays

Content Aware Displays

Large Scale Displays

Wearable Displays

Mobile Displays

Human Computer Interaction  and Collaboration Massive Data Visualization Display Hardware and Architectures Quality Enhancement Theoretical Insights and Analyses


If you are not sure whether a given idea or topic would suit this Special Issue, please contact the Guest Editors.


Important Dates

March 30, 2013         Special Section opens

April 15, 2013           Submissions due

May 30, 2013             First Decision

June 15, 2013           Revised Versions due

July 1, 2013               Final Decisions

July 15, 2013             Final Versions due

September 15            Publication online

December 2013        Paper available



Please use two-column Elsevier format with inline images. For paper formatting and submission instructions please refer to

Register/log on to EES before submitting your paper. When prompted to specify the paper type, select: ?Special section?, ?Advanced Displays?


Guest Editors:

Aditi Majumder, University of California, Irvine, Diego Gutierrez, Universidad de Zaragoza,