Call for papers 2015

31st Spring conference on Computer Graphics


Date and venue


Date: April 22-24, 2015


Location: Smolenice castle, Slovakia


Conference chair: Joaquim Jorge


Program chairs: Luis Paulo Santos, Roman Ļurikovič


Invited speakers: Will be announced later



We invite the authors in the field of computer graphics to submit their scientific papers. Topics include: rendering, geometry modeling, natural phenomena, visualization, image processing, computer vision and others (see Conference topics) We welcome posters covering your recent research work, late-breaking technical results and work in progress. These will be printed in the posters proceedings.

We welcome scientific papers to be printed in COMPUTERS AND GRAPHICS journal or in the proceedings as appointed by the IPC. Post-conference proceedings will be published by ACM Digital Library (ACM Publishing House).

SCCG'2015 scientific full papers will be handled through Elsevier COMPUTERS AND GRAPHICS journal paper reviewing system. Papers exhibiting high quality will be published on a special section of this internationally highly recognized journal. The remaining accepted papers will be published on the conference proceedings and later published on ACM Digital Library


Important dates


Paper submission: February 8, 2015

Notification of acceptance: March 8, 2015 Revised version due: March 15, 2015 Final decision: March 22, 2015 Camera ready: March 29, 2015


Poster submission: March 8, 2015

Notification of acceptance: March 22, 2015 Camera ready: March 29, 2015



The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia and The Slovak Society for Computer Science The conference will be held in Smolenice castle, Slovak Republic (about

120 km from Vienna). This event is probably the oldest regular meeting of CG community in Central Europe. The SCCG attempts to cover all interesting projects from computer graphics, image processing and applications. The philosophy of SCCG is to put together top experts with young researchers in CG and to support a good communication channel for East-West exchange of prospective ideas.